American Museum: February 16-17, 1849 Herald
American Museum: February 16-17, 1849 Herald
Black on white; 2 sided; #1; title at top; "Emperor Napoleon's Funeral"; date; wharf scene with boat; "St. Helena"; "Grand Cortege"; Magnificent Funeral Car"; #2; 8 "Opinions of the Press"
American Museum: July 14, 1855 Herald
American Museum: July 14, 1855 Herald
Black on white; 2 sided; #1; title; date; "The Virginia Cupids"; "Black Shoemaker"; Barnum's Gallery of Am. Beauty"; copy; #2; title; "Bearded Infant"; "Living Ostriches"; 6 minstrels; "SERENADERS!"; names
American Museum: May 13, 1857 Herald
American Museum: May 13, 1857 Herald
Black on white; 2 sided; #1; title at top; "2nd Week"; "Jackwood"; "Thrilling Life Stories"; Wednesday; date; "JACKWOOD"; #2; title at top; "The New Management"; "Over Half Million Visitors"; "Sea Serpent Like Snake"; "The Happy Family"
Barnum's American Museum: April 17 Herald
Barnum's American Museum: April 17 Herald
Black on white; 2 sided; #1; title; "Living wonders" in white on black; "Mammoth Girl"; "Maine Giantess"; "The Dwarf Lady"; "FeeJee Mermaid"; copy; #2; title; "Flying Dutchman"; date; "Dumb Man of Manchester"; time; "Flying Dutchman"; program; copy
Barnum's American Museum: December 1, 1860 Herald
Barnum's American Museum: December 1, 1860 Herald
Black on white; 2 sided; #1; title at top; "One Day More"; picture 2 natives; "Aztec Children"; "30 Monster Snakes"; "What Is It?"; #2; title; "2 Albino Girls"; "Miss Dora Dawron"; singer; "Rose Elmer"; cast; copy
Barnum's American Museum: May 20, 1854 Herald
Barnum's American Museum: May 20, 1854 Herald
Black on white; 2 sided; #1; title; date; "Don Caesar"; copy; "Phenomenon!"; time; copy; #2; title; copy; "4000 Persons Dailey"; "Lecture Room"; copy; "Relics of the Revolution"; copy
Barnum's American Museum: November 14-15, 1853 Herald
Barnum's American Museum: November 14-15, 1853 Herald
Black on white; 2 sided; #1; title at top; "Uncle Tom's Cabin"; day and date; "The Wandering Minstrel"; "The Limerick Boy"; copy; #2; title at top; "Two Living Giraffes"; "Coloseus-17 ft high"; "Cleopatra- 15 ft"; "Swiss Bearded Lady"; etc.
Barnum's Museum: January 1, 1851 Herald
Barnum's Museum: January 1, 1851 Herald
Black on white; 1 side, paper board; title, date at top; "4 Fine Performers"; "Tom Thumb"; "Cherry"; order of performance; Married Man; "HOP O-My Thumb"; copy; "900,000 Curiosities"
Barnum's Museum: January 5, 1863 Herald
Barnum's Museum: January 5, 1863 Herald
Black on white; 2 sided; #1; title at top; date; "Collen Bawn"; cast; copy; #2; title at top; "Miss Lavinai Warren"; picture; size; "Elegance & Grace"; picture "COM. NUTT"; "California Bears"
Barnum's Museum: June 15, 1863 Herald
Barnum's Museum: June 15, 1863 Herald
Black on white; 2 sided; #1; title at top; date; "Gen'l Tom Thumb"; "COM. NUTT"; "Wedding Costumes"; "MAD. VERE: Fortune Teller"; prices; #2; title at top; date; "Duke's Device" programme; General Tom Thumb & Wife
Barnum's Museum: June 9, 1862 Herald
Barnum's Museum: June 9, 1862 Herald
Black on white; 2 sided; #1; title at top; "COMMODORE NUTT!"; sizes; "MARRIED RAKE"; "Your life's in DANGER!!"; #2; title top; date; "Grand National"; picture mother & babies; "Baby Show"; "Human Rose Buds"; prizes; "8 Months Old"
Barnum's Museum: November 9, 1863 Herald
Barnum's Museum: November 9, 1863 Herald
Black on white; 2 sided; #1; title at top; "The Child Regiment"; "Brunhilda"; programme; "Miss Dora Dawron"; programme; copy; #2; title; date; picture "Giant Boy"; "Lilliputian King"; copy; "Wonderful Albino Family"; copy; admission
Barnum's: July 10-13, 1864 Herald
Barnum's: July 10-13, 1864 Herald
Black on white; 2 sided; #1 title at top; Barnum's Pantomime Company; "Green Monster"; cast; copy; "Living Alligator"; #2; Barnum's Museum at top; "Woodruff's…Bohemian Glass Blowers"; "L'Orchestration"; "Brilliant Star"; copy