Barnum & Bailey: May 7, 1888 Herald
Barnum & Bailey: May 7, 1888 Herald
Black & red on white; 2 sided; #1; title, diagonal; pictures--seals, horses "World's Fair"; "Pilgrimmage to Mecca"; "Paul Boyton"; "Jumbo's Skin & Skeleton"; roman riders; #2; "Barnum's Big Book"; B & B heads in horse shoe; cheap excursion rates; day
Barnum & London: July 14, 1882 Herald
Barnum & London: July 14, 1882 Herald
Black on white; 2 sided; #1; title; "7 Monster Shows"; 33 Golden Chariots; Jumbo; 10 Living Giraffes; "Daily Pagent-Miles Long"; #2; "Cannon Shots"; title; large elephant; wordy dialogue on largests
Barnum & London: July 15, 1882 Herald
Barnum & London: July 15, 1882 Herald
Black on yellow; 2 sided; #1; "Jumbo Appears"; city, day & date; large picture of Jumbo; "Be Sure & See Dear Old Jumbo"; #2; "Barnum Startles World Again"; city, day & date; picture Chariot Races in Coliseum; "10 Delicate…Giraffes"; "Nursing Baby Elephant
Barnum & London: July 31, 1882 Herald
Barnum & London: July 31, 1882 Herald
Black & red on white; 2 sided; #1; "Continuation of the Compact"; title; "2nd Season"; Barnum head on Europe; Bailey head on Africa; Hutchinson head on Australia; 10 giraffes; 2 baby elephants; lot scene; #2; Card to Patrons to use Excursions; title;
Barnum & London: July 7, 1884 Herald
Barnum & London: July 7, 1884 Herald
Black on buff; 2 sided;#1 title; picture Indians; "Jumbo"; picture Chang; 40 trained elephants; 50 dens & cages; Picture Jumbo; Roman Races; #2; "9" title "9"; "United Monster Shows"; "White Elephant"; pictures--mounted horses, white elephant under umbrel
Barnum & London: June 12, 1886 Herald
Barnum & London: June 12, 1886 Herald
Black on yellow; 2 sided; #1; "Dialogue"; picture of Barnum; "Alice"; "Jumbo's Skeleton"; "Marimba Band"; #2; "Farewell Tour"; title; "Congress of Giants" picture; 2 clown elephants on stage; Roman Hipp; Leapers over Elephants; day & date
Barnum & London: June 12, 1886 Herald
Barnum & London: June 12, 1886 Herald
Black on green; 2 sided; #1; "Last Time GSOE"; title; Jumbo's skeleton; "Biggest Giants on Earth"; "$1,500,000 Free Show"; #2; "Barnum Returns No More"; picture of Barnum; letter from Barnum; day & date
Barnum & London: June 15, 1881 Herald
Barnum & London: June 15, 1881 Herald
Black on white; 2 sided; #1; title; Tom & Wife meet Queen; 3 performances; Giant Wonders; 5 Dens of Performing Cats; Leapers over 15 Elephants; #2; title; 3 heads in ovals; 3 rings; Elephants with howdahs; baby elephant; date; day
Barnum & London: June 16, 1881 Herald
Barnum & London: June 16, 1881 Herald
Black on yellow; 2 sided; #1; title at top; "A Costly Experiment"; "50 Reasons Why Combined Shows are Bigger"; #2; title; 3 heads; 20 elephants; Baby Elephant Phil; 3-10-1880; performers; 5 popular clowns; "Free Parade" 3 performances daily
Barnum & London: June 6, 1889 Herald
Barnum & London: June 6, 1889 Herald
Black on buff; 2 sided; #1; title; picture of Barnum; "JUMBO"; 40 trained elephants; 16…Dens...Beasts"; 3 Ring; Roman Hipp; 10,000 Banners; 420 Horses; #2; title; white elephants; elephant in parade; "Ethnological Congress"; "100 Savage Barbarians"
Barnum & London: March 28, 1886 Herald
Barnum & London: March 28, 1886 Herald
Black on white; 2 sided; #1; "Barnum Returns No More"; picture of Barnum; reason given; card from Bailey & Hutchinson; #2; "last Time"; title; "The GSOE"; picture-Roman Chariot Race; "Farewell for Ever"; copy of contract to boat co.; day & date
Barnum & London: March 29, 1886 Herald
Barnum & London: March 29, 1886 Herald
Black on white; 2 sided; #1; title; date; "Jumbo's Enormous Skeleton"; picture-Arabian Acrobats; Mlle. Christine; "Double Headed Nightingale"; "After Dark Street Parade"; picture--Chang; #2; title; Barnum's picture; date; Human Doll on Scales; "Jumbo
Barnum & London: May 13-18, 1889 Herald
Barnum & London: May 13-18, 1889 Herald
Black on yellow; 2 sided; #1; "Place to Go"; Barnum head in wheel hub; "Brand New Outfit"; 40 Supernatural Illusions; Wild Moorish Caravan; Horse show; #2; Cheap Excursions; title--Great London…Barnum…Bailey"; date; *Change in title to B&B avoided
Barnum & London: May 15, 1884 Herald
Barnum & London: May 15, 1884 Herald
Black on white; 1 sided; picture-"White Washing"; Forepaugh's elephant; "Light of Asia"; Barnum imitates Forepaugh; "Free" day and date; "WAIT FOR BARNUM & JUMBO"
Barnum & London: May 25, 1887 Herald
Barnum & London: May 25, 1887 Herald
Black on white; 2 sided; #1; title arched; picture-"Strange Hairy Family"; copy around "Paul Boyton"; picture Jumbo Hit by Train; town & date; #2; "Bird's Eye View"; "Captain Paul Boyton's" copy surrounding picture Boyton on river; "Artificial Lake"
Barnum & London: May 26-31 1884 Herald
Barnum & London: May 26-31 1884 Herald
Black & red on white; 2 sided; #1; "EUREKA"; white elephant; title; Jumbo; 5 Great Trains; 7 Ad Cars; Excursion Rates; #2; "Best…When the whistle Blows"; white elephant; Jumbo; Excursions; Picture Chang; multiple days and dates; 1 day per town
Barnum & London: May 29, 1884 Herald
Barnum & London: May 29, 1884 Herald
Black & red on white; 2 sided; #1; "Excursions"; title; 5 groups of natives; 40 elephants; groups natives; "Tickets Available from R.R. ticket agents" #2; title; 21 Different Tribes; 40 Elephants; 32 Camels; 33 Golden Chariots; 12 Kinds of Music; tit
Barnum & London: October 2, 1884 Herald
Barnum & London: October 2, 1884 Herald
Black on Yellow; 1 sided foldout; Left; "NO STREET PARADE"; title; "Instead Free Field Display Near Fair Grounds"; "Don't Miss It"; Right; "WHY"; title; "Excuse---City over-taxed Parade contract"; "The Many Poor Children Will Not See"
Untitled: Herald
Untitled: Herald
Black on white; "Jumbo" with image and text